Sunday, September 22, 2013

Medicine Caves

Approaching Medicine Caves

Medicine Caves is an area that is little known among Sedona visitors. It isn't in the hiking books and it is somewhat remote. 

It is nestled in a valley that is bounded on one side by Casner Mountain and on the other by the ridge that leads to Robbers Roost (Shaman's Cave). The valley is dotted with smaller outcroppings of red rock, each of which has cave-like areas at its base.

Medicine Caves (foreground) Robbers  Roost (background)
The largest of these outcroppings has two levels of caves (which are actually indentations in the rock; some with trees growing directly in front of the crack. 

If you are among the many who visit Sedona for its spiritual and metaphysical energy, you'll find plenty of small 'shelves' and pockets in which to charge your crystals, fetishes, totems or sacred artifacts. 
A View of One of the Caves

The top level of the central red rock outcropping affords some great views of the little valley in which it resides, and the valleys and land beyond. The trunk of the juniper tree growing on the apron at the front of this rock displays the classic 'energetic twist' often observed in Sedona where a particular spot is flowing with earth energy. 

Charging Stones in the Healing Caves
There is a history of tribal healing in this valley, with each of the red rock outcroppings and each of the 'caves' in the main rock visited in a specific sequence and/or for a specific ailment or dysfunction. 

Take your time and sit at each of the openings in the rock on both the lower and the upper level of the main outcropping and, hopefully, you will have your own healing experience. 

We did not have the time to visit the other red rock cave outcroppings but we look forward to a return visit.

Navajo Tapestry in Main Energetic Rift of Central Medicine Cave

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