Thursday, January 9, 2014

West Clear Creek

The West Clear Creek hike is not the most popular hike in Sedona, nor is it the most breathtaking. But, for those who want an easy hike without climbing, this is a good choice. 

The West Clear Creek trail rambles along the creek and through meadows, revealing some beautiful tall mountains and a wall of red rock. 

A peek at some red rocks

The remains of an old field stone house stand in a meadow, surrounded by scrub and some small trees. 

If the creek is not running high, you can cross it at the end of the trail and follow along the creek for another mile or so. 

Eventually, you will reach a point where the land on this side of the creek rises and, if you choose to continue the hike beyond this point, beware! 

This is not an established trail and it will take you up another 2000 feet, so it is not for the feint of heart. 

If you stick to the established trail, the West Clear Creek hike will take you about an hour.

If you get a late start, you will need a jacket on the way back. Once the sun dips behind the high mountains on the opposite side of the creek, you will be cold!

Beautiful old Cottonwood tree
The nicest surprise we had on this hike was something we saw shortly after we left the parking lot at the trail head. There is one gigantic Cottonwood tree standing guard over the path. There are also some very large, old Sycamore trees gracing the path.

A view of the creek

If you are in the mood for a serene hike and you don't have all day to complete the journey, you'll like West Clear Creek a lot. 

The established trail is a little over a mile long and it makes for an easy and enjoyable day. 

There aren't a lot of tour planes or helicopters overhead, so you can enjoy the peace and quiet of nature. 

Oh! One more thing. We finished our hike and drove out of the parking area, and up the winding road. On our way out, we were lucky enough to see two magnificent eagles circling overhead. 

They landed on the top of the hill above us and we thought they were probably going back to their aerie. 
A little cave along the creek

A nice surprise at the end of a peaceful New Year's Day hike!